Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016: A Look Back

The year started with a fun weekend in South Haven with good friends. I professed my love for green smoothies and chopped my hair off. Went to our work Christmas party and hung out with family. We celebrated five years in our house and one year since redoing our kitchen. We celebrated G's birthday in Grand Rapids. Then we lost my grandma the day after. Still miss her everyday!

In February we went to an a capella concert date night and spent time with family and remembered my grandma's life. I hosted my second annual brunch with family even though we didn't have any snow to sled. We celebrated eight years of marriage.

In March we had some good family time and I accepted a new job! I ate gelato and had beers with coworkers to say see you later (not good-bye). Then I started my new job, ah! My mom, SIL and I went to a cooking class and we celebrated Easter.

In April we saw good friends' for Supper Club and I hosted a girls brunch. We put up the gazebo and enjoyed our first glass of wine on the deck.

In May we had lunch with my parents and I finally came back to life after a long two weeks of the flu. We went to dinner with our neighbors and spent good time with family. I did a day in the life post. We spent time at the lake hiking with Manny, went garage saling and lunch with friends.

In June we went to the farmers market, garage saling, hosted brunch, had a girls night, hosted a dinner and family time. Spent time with my neighbor and time at the beach. I enjoyed sunrise walks with Manny and pool time with Ella. At the end of the month we went to Holland and Ludington for a weekend getaway.

In July we welcomed sweet Bennett Charles into the world! We also enjoyed brunch, an eight mile hike and a fun Lansing United soccer game. We explored a few new hiking trails, went to a friends lake house, sipped margs on the deck, and drank cosmos with my mom. I got a pedicure, spent pool time with my girls and ate Mexican after my dentist appointment.

In August I recapped my 32 goals for 32. G surprised me with a super fun birthday weekend in West Olive. We celebrated with my family too. I went to a fun girls night, watched all the Olympics and went to the lake with Ella.  I had my third annual girls lake house weekend. I had a fun little trip to Holland with my mom and went to my dad's work bbq. I hosted a little girls night with a bonfire and we went to our little town's Melon Fest.

In September we took a fun little spontaneous weekend to Bellaire. I went to a girls night and hosted a girls night with my friends from work. We went to Myrtle Beach with the family. We planned it so long ago so it was much anticipated!

In October we enjoyed all that fall had to offer - Halloween, bonfires, hikes at the lake. I wrote my first book review post and fave podcasts. We hung out with good friends and enjoyed a low key fall. Enjoyed some great sunrises, Spirit Week at work and dinner with great friends. At the end of the month my mom, SIL and her mom all went to a fun cooking class with yummy food and wine.

In November we did a great fall clean out and purged and organized all the closets and drawers. Went to Ikea, tried out a new restaurant, went to G's work party and hung out with old friends. I answered questions to my favorite podcast and shared my Christmas list. I went to a girls night, had a mom and Lindsey day and went to the Zoo lights with family. I wrote my second book review. I had a great Thanksgiving with family and a fun little trip to Petoskey

In December we went to our church's Christmas show. I baked cookies with my neighbor and attended another fun cooking class. We decorated gingerbread houses with my family. We celebrated Christmas with family (Bennett's first!) and attended a Murder Mystery New Year's Eve Party.

There was a lot of good this year. There were challenges. High highs and low lows. Leaving a job I loved because I knew I had outgrown it. I missed working with G and my best friends a lot more than I thought I would. Learning a new job was scary and hard and it came with so many new challenges. We said good bye to my grandma this year. But there was a lot of good this year. Great weekend trips to Lake Michigan and to Myrtle Beach. Many girls nights where we laughed and cried. Dinners with G. Walks with Manny. It's funny how it's usually the little things that I remember most. The glorious in the mundane.

I got out of my comfort zone a lot this year. I became braver. Stronger. I grew a lot this year and handled things I never thought I could. My relationship with God grew stronger because I had to rely on Him more than ever this year. Trust Him. Lean on Him. He is good all the time and he has taught me that this year. His plan is perfect and I need to give up control.

So that is 2016. Good-bye 2016! I'm ready for a fresh start and new adventures.

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