Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Weekend Recap

Friday night I made Skinnytaste's Veggie Ham Egg and Cheese Bake (minus the ham since Jess was bringing sausage). We cleaned the house and then relaxed.

Saturday morning I read and drank coffee. Walked Manny.

Then we prepped for the second annual brunch with family. It was in the high 40s with not a trace of snow in site so there was no sledding this year unfortunately

We still had a great time. It was low key. We ate. Drank mimosas. Talked. Spent quality time with Ella. She is so sweet. She was sitting in my lap and I would start to bring a spoonful of yogurt and granola to my mouth and she would grab the spoon and put it in her mouth. So cute! We played with stickers and read and it was such a nice visit.

We celebrated G and Eric's birthdays. My mom made rumchata cupcakes and a tiramisu football. Yum!

After everyone left my parents stayed and we talked a bit longer and took a little walk. It was a really nice day. I can't believe next year when I host Ella will have a brother or a sister!

Saturday evening was relaxing. I caught up on my shows and enjoyed the house.

Sunday did not go as planned. We woke up and we were freezing. I tried adjusting the heat and nothing happened. We proceeded to spend the rest of the morning researching how to fix your furnace. We troubleshooted to no avail. G went to the store to get a new filter and try a few more things with no luck. I called a few repair places, but nothing was open on Sunday. We spent the rest of the day staying warm by the fireplace.

We watched the Super Bowl. I think Lady Gaga killed it doing the National anthem. I wasn't super impressed with the commercials, though there were a few that I laughed out loud at. I thought the Half Time Show was okay. The best part for me was Bruno Mars dancing. I am happy the Broncos won. It's cool to say the one Lions game I went to was against the Broncos the year they won the Super Bowl!

So that was our weekend. Brunch. Football. Staying warm. 

Thankfully we were able to get a repair guy out Monday morning and found out the heat igniter was broken and once it was replaced we had heat again. PHEW. So thankful for the fireplace. For my parents offering to let us stay with them. For blankets. And for 40 degree weather while we had no heat. There is always a silver lining. Life is always an adventure! 

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