Monday, December 31, 2018

2018: A Look Back

Another year has gone by in such a flash. When I reflect on the year I am so grateful for another great year. A year of growth. A year of laughter. A year of mindfulness. A year of intention. A year of challenges. 

The year by the numbers:

52 weight lifting sessions.
20 breathtaking sunrises/sunsets captured on film.
19 books read.
15 girls nights.
5 month blogging break.
4 supplier visits.
3 trips to Traverse City.
2 trips to the ocean.
2 sleepovers with my best friends.
1 trip to Saugatuck.

If you want to see my previous years in review click the dates below:


Without further ado, here is a look back at 2018:

In January I kicked off the year with the flu, set intentions for the year, went to G's holiday party, and celebrated G's birthday in Saugatuck.

In February we celebrated ten years of marriage (!!!), watched all the Olympics, got lots of snow, and enjoyed a few fun date nights out.

In March we checked out our new neighborhood brewery, hiked with Manny, met my parents for dinner, and spent time with the fam. We revamped the guest bedroom and I hosted a few girls nights.

In April we spent a glorious week in Miami eating the most amazing food, drinking the most delicious cocktails and swimming in the most gorgeous, turquoise water. We fell in love with Miami and are already trying to get back there.

In May we celebrated Cinco de Mayo with friends, hiked with Manny, enjoyed all the blooming flowers, put out the deck furniture and spent evenings outside, and swam in a lake (!!) over Memorial Day.

In June we enjoyed a weekend getaway in Dearborn, and danced the night away at my aunt and uncle's 50th anniversary. My parents stayed with us and we played lots of cards, walked downtown, enjoyed happy hour on the deck and tried out new restaurants. Manny turned five and we celebrated with ice cream. We took a fun little trip to Traverse City for some wine tasting and relaxation, and went to the Lansing United game with our neighbors.

In July I revisited my intentions, went to see The Lion King with G, went to the lake, mini golfed with my coworkers, had a bonfire with our neighbors, swam at my parents' neighborhood pool, and went to the farmers' market. We enjoyed rosé on the deck, celebrated Bennett's second birthday, and went to a launch party for a big project I was working on for work.

In August we celebrated my 35th birthday, had our 5th annual girls weekend getaway, went wedding dress shopping with Kate and the girls, had a date night downtown, and spent the day at my SIL's family lake house. We drank Oberon on the deck and enjoyed our little town's festival.

In September we road tripped to Topsail, North Carolina. We had a lovely week at the beach, went bridesmaid dress shopping, hosted family to celebrate my mom's birthday, and went to a fun wine event. I presented lollipop leadership at work, discussed my morning routine, and hosted a sleepover with my besties.

In October I shared some recent eats and what I'm loving lately, walked to the brewery, tried to read Harry Potter, celebrated a sweet friend's 30th birthday, and tried out a fancy gym. We went to Frozen on Ice with Ella and it was so sweet to see her face light up. I had a fun date night with my mom, dressed like an Oreo for Halloween, had a game night with the neighbors, and co-hosted a bridal shower.

In November we took a fun trip to Traverse City, had our first snow of the season, tried a new church, found a new favorite brunch spot, hosted my parents, and went to a girls night. I had my annual ophthalmology appointments and Lindsey and Mom Day of Fun! I shared my wish list, had a great Thanksgiving at my parents' new house, and had a siblings weekend in TC.

In December we started our Aldi Wine Advent Calendar, decorated for Christmas, and my mom and I went to see Fiddler on the Roof. I went on a supplier visit, a friend's going away party, and went to our town's Christmas festival. We went to a Christmas show, hosted a sleepover with my besties, and had a wonderful Christmas celebration with family.

It was such a full, good year. I'm so excited to see what 2019 will bring. Happy New Year friends!!!

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