Friday, December 28, 2018

Life Lately

All the feels when G surprises me with sushi.

G and I on the way to a Christmas show.

My parents subdivision is so festive.

Blanket hog.

Winter sunsets give me all the feels.

All is calm. All is bright.

Presents bought and wrapped and under the tree a week before Christmas. Woo!

This is so true, ha!

Girls night with my favorites!

Comfy cozy are we.

Speechless at a red light.

This girl has my heart. I just loved watching her and Bennett open gifts.

I big puffy heart love my family. It was such a fun Christmas celebration.

Trouble maker.

My heart.

Last Advent Wine!

Christmas Day we drove home from spending the night at my parents. G made his mom's famous potatoes, ribs and we had the most perfect, relaxing day.

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