Friday, January 3, 2020

2019: A Look Back

In January we reconnected with good friends in town from California, celebrated the sweetest five year old, went to G's work Christmas party, and went to my work Christmas party. I set goals for the year, we had our first big snowfall, and we celebrated G's birthday.

In February we had record low temps (-32 degrees!), hosted my family for an epic sledding party, had a game night with our neighbors, and I prepped for Galentine's Day. G and I celebrated 11 years of marriage in GR, I purchased my bridesmaid dress, and we finally started seriously looking for a church.

In March I went to my cousin's bridal shower, hung out with family, kicked off deck sitting weather, tried a new restaurant, and had a girls night. We did yard work, I rediscovered my love for TJ Maxx, binged Scandal, and we continued our church hunt.

In April we started reading Vertical Marriage (so good!), found a church home, and enjoyed our first patio dining experience of the year. Grilling season was back in full force, we worked on Kate's speech, and I celebrated Kate's upcoming nuptials with her bridal shower. We celebrated Easter with the family, and then I went to Florida for Kate's bachelorette weekend.

In May I got my hair did, had sushi with sweet friends, and spent a fun day with my mom and Jess. G and I flew out to Boston for my best friend's wedding and after all the fun festivities and incredible memories created we went to Cape Cod for a few days to explore and eat delicious seafood. 

In June we went to a beautiful Memorial Day service, I saw Hamilton (it was EVERYTHING!), and I spent the weekend with one of my best friends at her lake house. We had sweet family time, I had my first ice cream of the summer, and we took Manny to the dog park. Manny turned six, we saw old friends, and we went to a beautiful wedding. I went to a leadership conference and had another game night with neighbors. 

In July we tried Blue Apron meals, binged Season 3 of Stranger Things, spent lots of time deck sitting, and went to the beach. We spent the day at the pool celebrating Bennett's third birthday, I compiled a list of all the books I've read, I spent a pool day with my mom and we brunched it after church. I ended the month with the sixth annual girls weekend.

In August G cleaned the garage, G took me to a fun restaurant on my birthday, and we went to Saugatuck for my birthday weekend. We went to a Lugnuts baseball game and spent a weekend at my friend's lake house. We hosted my family for our town's annual ox roast and my parents spent the night and visited our new church home. We joined a small group, went to a slip and slide party at our neighbors' house and enjoyed one of the last pool days of the year with my parents. I had a fun girls night, we went hiking and visited old friends we haven't seen in a long time.

In September I went to a girls night, church and brunch with our small group. I presented to over 70 of my coworkers, had another game night with our neighbors and gave blood. We hosted small group, went on an impromptu weekend trip, and went to Pumpkin Fest with my family.

In October I got a pedicure, packed up and headed to Vegas. We had the best time exploring the hotels, eating good food and watching a cirq show. I binged Big Little Lies, I battled a stomach bug, and went on a super fun girls weekend trip to Cleveland. G and I looked at a few lake houses, actually got an accepted offer on one and started the craziness of pursuing a dream of ours.

In November we had over 18 showings, game night with our neighbors, the inspection at the new house, handed out Halloween candy, and celebrated South Africa winning the Rugby World Cup. We hosted small group, got over 5 inches of snow, had an open house, and I went out with my besties. My mom and I had our annual day of fun, we celebrated Thanksgiving, and my dad published a book. We lost the lake house, took our house off the market, and took an impromptu trip to Miami to recover from the crazyness.

In December I shared my wish list, we flew home from Miami, opened up our wine and cheese advent calendars, and I spent a day at the Henry Ford Museum. We spent the day with family, I had my work Christmas party, I hosted a girls night, and Manny got a stomach bug. I went to a wine tasting event, we had a game night with our neighbors, and I hosted a sleepover with my best friends. We celebrated Christmas with the family on a 50 degree day and then walked my parents' sub to look at all the lights, and went out to eat with my mom's side of the family.


What. A. Year. 

I feel so grateful and blessed as I look back on this past year. 

I'm proud of myself for choosing faith over fear this year. I spoke at a wedding, presented to coworkers, travelled a lot for work and for pleasure, and G and I pursued a lake house dream of ours. Even though the lake house didn't go through I'm still proud G and I had the courage to try. To get in the arena.

As we begin 2020 I'm hoping for more moments choosing faith over fear. More time with the people I love and less time scrolling social media. More positivity and less negativity. More gratefulness and less comparison.

Happy New Year, friends! 

It means so much to me that you read this little space I started back in 2008.

I hope you have the most amazing 2020. Cheers!

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