Thursday, August 29, 2024

Life Lately: Week 34

This is what the past week looked like.

Pop of neon blue.

Sushi date with a friend.

We finally have a Trader Joe's and I could not be happier, even if it is across town.

The sweet cashier gave me a Michigan reusable bag since it was my first time checking out the store.

Burrito bowls are what's for dinner.

Sunset skies.

I buy myself flowers.

This was a Trader Joe find and quite delicious.

I love a summer read with a side of murder.

Fave quote:

"People - and it's mostly the ones who've never had any - they say money can't buy happiness. But you know what it can buy? Choices."

"Nobody knows if they can do something until they do it."

"If what you're doing doesn't terrify you, you're not doing it right."

"Twilight had descended, and with it, the thrum of cicadas, which Traci thought of as summer's perpetual soundtrack."


I made a Starbucks wrap dupe: tortilla, pesto, spinach, egg and feta.

Verdict? Not bad, but I think next time I'll cook the spinach with the egg.

Hanging out on the deck.

This movie was surprisingly good.

Trader Joe's garlic and pesto pizza was another win.


His head on my sweatshirt though.

The sunsets this week have been incredible.

My forever wedding date.

These cuties nailed G good with bubbles, lol.

Beautiful bride.

I love love.

The food was almost too pretty to eat (I said almost!).

The happy couple know how to make an entrance. 

The food was catered by Cask Kitchen so of course it was amazing.

G's work team.

Not throwin' away their shot.

Home by sunset.

At girls weekend I heard Taco Bell breakfast is legit so we tried it and it was so good.

Hot take: I think their breakfast is better than their lunch/dinner menu.

Sunday was HOT so G and I camped out on the lake all day.

Our neighbors across the lake picked us up for a few boat rides around the lake.

Another neighbor stopped by to say hello on her boat.

A neighbor a few doors down came by via kayak and chatted with us for a while.

I love this lake community.

Choose your hard.

Love this illustration.


I feel seen.

"You don't have to claim everything you feel."


I feel this deeply.

"Worship him in the waiting."

Good reminder.

Needed to hear this.

Long live summer.

It's funny because it's true.

What a compliment! 


For more life lately:

Week 34 of 2019

Week 34 of 2020

Week 34 of 2021

Week 34 of 2022

Week 34 of 2023 Part 1 and Part 2

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