Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Life Lately: Week 33

This is what the past week looked like.

Hot dog.

Sandwich perfection.

Great Blue Heron spotting.

Offsite meeting means free lunch.

Volunteered at the food bank with my team.

Followed by happy hour.

Sunset o'clock.

The afterglow.

This has never happened to me before, but I hurt my back and my boss recommended wrapping an ice pack around a dish towel that has been soaked in hot water and it helped so much.

Manny has been hanging out in my office lately so I moved his dog bed in and he laid on it for less than five minutes...

Then moved, lol.

What a butt.

Since I was on girls weekend last weekend I missed a few days of the Olympics so we spent the week catching up and we got really into men's break dancing. 

This was my least favorite of Hepworth's books, but I still had to know how it ended.

Fave quotes:

"Being loved has been the goal of her life. Loving someone in return... that was showing off."

"Even after all these years, yearning for the love and attention of someone who couldn't give it to her was much more comfortable than actually receiving it."

The prettiest girl with the prettiest drink.

Hot chocolate for this cool dude.

Cocktails for Jess, my mom and I.

The best Buddha bowl at The Laundry.

Dill pickle lover.

Blueberry coffee.

Swooning over the yellow flowers with the yellow umbrellas. 

Downtown Fenton is cute.

Good cloud evening.


Aldi breakfast pizza is a favorite around here.

We got some time on the lake before the rain came.

Sausage and Cheese Tortellini

The closing ceremony was so good!

I loved the dangling piano (!!) and Tom Cruise.

I can't wait for 2028. :)

We tried a new cocktail, The French Blonde, while we watched the closing ceremonies.

Apparently it's Taylor Swift's favorite drink and I'm a fan too.

Rain rain, go away.


Good reminder.

I feel seen.

Love it.


Bahaha I sent this to G because it is so him.

So true.

So sweet.

For more life lately:

Week 33 of 2019

Week 33 of 2020

Week 22 of 2021

Week 22 of 2022

Week 22 of 2023

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