Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Life Lately: Week 32

This is what the past week looked like.

Summer flowers.

A bit where's Waldo, but can you spot the deer?

Flowers so pretty they look fake.

Happy August!

G got his car back, woo!

The bathroom renovation is done and I'm obsessed.

All the heart eyes.

Monday vibes.

Birthday swim with my neighbors.

Having a moment with sparkling water.

Good night.

I watched Manny knock over my basket, bring my blanket over to me and then spread it out...

I wasn't even mad, I was impressed.

Stop and smell the flowers.

New favorite salad dressing.

This book was good, but I could have used more closure. 

Fave quotes:

"Houses remember." (What a fantastic opening line to a book!)

"She had forgotten, as we all do, that beautiful things can contain their own darkness."

Our walks tire him out.

11th annual girls weekend up north.

Year 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Happy hour on the dock.


I made chicken shawarma bowls for dinner.

Meanwhile back at home.

It was a cold day so we spent most of it talking in the living room and solving all of life's problems.

Picture perfect.

I made this cheesy sausage breakfast casserole with a side of Aldi muffins and grapes (not pictured).

Neve loves girls' weekend too.

We tried to sit out on the deck, but it was too cold.

Puppy dog eyes.

Girl dinner.

Wine o'clock.

Meanwhile back at home G said Manny was looking for me.

Barb came up Friday night (we came up Thursday night) and brought us all these adorable shirts.

This incense holder creates a smoke waterfall and it was mesmerizing. 

Did I mention it was cold? ;)

We took a quiz to find out our love language and I'd say mine is accurate.

When it's too cold to float you play games.

Sweet sisters.

The sun made a rare appearance so we went outside to take pictures in our new shirts.

Love these girls.

I lake you a lot.

We stayed up until 3am, eek!

This coffee cup is so me because I do take my coffee seriously. 

Sister sister.

Crispy bacon is my jam.

Walking and talking.

Moth spotting.


Modern women energy.

See also: I'm so disappointed in the way the judges handled the bronze medal winner.


You can trust God.

Who runs the world?


Still thinking about this.


The struggle is real. 

I feel seen.


For more life lately:

Week 32 of 2019

Week 32 of 2020

Week 32 of 2021

Week 32 of 2022

Week 32 of 2023

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