Thursday, September 1, 2022

Life Lately: Week 34

 This is what the past week looked like.

Manny living his best life...

While I was living the stressed out life because it was budget week.

Early wake up to go into the office.

In prepping for the Whole 30 my SIL told me about these beef sticks.

They are delicious, filling, and portable which makes them a perfect snack.

I had to present my budgets Tuesday morning and I found a discrepancy so I was up until midnight figuring out what was causing the issue and correcting it.

G brought dinner to my office which was so sweet (and much appreciated).

Early morning devotional and Starbucks.

Afternoon snacky snack in the office.

My budget presentation went well so G brought me roses to celebrate being brave.

G made the Fajita Beef Skillet and it was just as good as last week, ha!

Walks with Manny helped keep me calm during this exhausting and stressful week full of long hours, tears and way too many excel spreadsheets.

The days are getting shorter.

Salmon Avocado Bowl.

"It's not always the strongest trees that survive the storm. Sometimes it's the trees that bend with the wind."

I read that quote somewhere this week and it's really stuck with me.

I needed to clear my mind so this shower bomb was appropriate. 

My SIL was going through her phone and found this gem of my brother and I.

She found this card my brother made me and with all the stress of the week I needed a good belly laugh.


G said I looked cute (and my brother apologized).

Spaghetti with zucchini noodles.

I couldn't put this book down and had to know how it ended, but the ending fell flat for me.

Chicken Caesar Salad.

PSA: Primal Kitchen dressing and sauces are delicious (but expensive).


Saturday was such a fun day and I only have one picture to show for it.

G and I were out floating and neighbors across the lake came by on their boat and joined us in the water for a bit.

Then our neighbors next door invited us over for a boat ride and a bonfire.

I love our community. 

Sunday brunchin'.

I must confess I made it ten days without dairy (!!), but I ate cheese on our neighbors' boat (because I CANNOT resist The Cheese Lady, it's that good). 

I know I should restart the Whole 30 program, but I truly learned a new way of eating cleaner and healthier, loved it and won't stop incorporating it into my life. 

However, I decided 80% of the time I'll eat Whole 30 and 20% I'll eat processed foods/cheese/gluten.

I feel good about this plan for me. 

G and I picked up groceries and stopped at our local brewery for my fave salad.

Then we spent the afternoon floating which is the perfect way to spend a day if you ask me.

I read this idea in Mel's newsletter and G and I have started asking these question and it's fostered good conversation.

My ideal morning.


I feel seen.

It's so true, right?

Truth bomb.

This was timely as I worked long hours and stressed out when in the end it all worked out so why did I give the stress the significance it didn't deserve?

For more life lately:

Week 34 of 2019

Week 34 of 2020

Week 34 of 2021

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