Thursday, June 1, 2023

Life Lately: Week 21

 This is what the past week looked like...

It was a week of high highs and low lows.

The week started with a high coming off my epic 40th birthday trip with my besties and my mom making zucchini pie for breakfast. 

Another big high of the week was getting Manny's biopsy results back on the lump and it is not cancer, woohoo!

It's a lipoma (which are common on labs as they age) and just needs to be monitored.

Huge relief. 

G's burgers are some of the very best.

Manny slept off the meds he has to take to go to the vet.

They make him an excellent patient, but a little loopy and very sleepy. 

I was in the office twice this week for supplier visits.

See also: Sea Salt Dark Chocolate bars are so good.

G grilled brats and veggies for a little sunset dinner.

The hazy sunsets from the Canada fires are eerie. 

I'm just so relieved Manny is healthy.

A fawn was sleeping in our backyard while I worked on the porch (and was spotted the next day eating out of our neighbors' compost bin, ha!).

I made a slow cooker chicken dish that was not good so I will not share the recipe.

Beauty in the mundane.

G and I are still reading through the Bible in a year via The Bible Recap and I loved this quote:

"Meekness isn't weakness, it's strength that has been disciplined by humility."

Two supplier lunches in one week, my favorite perk of the job!

The apps were the star of the show.

I didn't love this salad and will stick with my grilled cheese and tomato basil soup order going forward.

My gym put in a Starbucks.

And here is where we get to the lows of the week...

I was walking on that plastic grate to get into the pool and my left leg went through it and plastic caved inward and left a pretty ugly scrape on my leg.

This picture is just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about, but the picture was taken after the whole grate had been removed (and a cone was put there after as well). 

Anyway, the lifeguard called an ambulance and it was all very traumatic (and embarrassing). 

It hurts, looks awful, and I need to stay off it and elevate/ice it so we made the hard decision to postpone our trip up north with friends.

My sweet G was so worried about me and started heading to the gym, but I told him I was okay to drive home (just shaken up) so while he was in the area he picked up India food take out. 

My neighbor insisted on walking Manny for me while I recovered and I am forever grateful for her kindness.

Auntie Kathy tired him out.

Another low was the amazing, hot weather we had all weekend and not able to go into the lake to enjoy it.

I know it could have been worse.

I didn't need stitches and I didn't break my leg, but for someone who loves the water as much as I do and who has waited all year to swim and float and can't right now?

Well, it just sucks.

I finished this book on the porch and it was a fun adventure.

Summer sunsets.

G made his epic brunch and took care of me all weekend.

I'm the luckiest.

It's like Manny knew I was hurt and was so concerned and so gentle with my bad leg.

I watched lots of television on the porch.

The VPR reunion (OMG what a fun distraction), American Idol (this song!), and RHONJ (the wedding special though). 

My sweet (and healthy!) Manny.

The beginning...

Of an...

Epic sunset. 

Whew, what a week.

Good reminder.

A friend reminded me that maybe this injury was to remind me to rest so maybe that is what my garden needs right now.

I don't want to be enmeshed, I want to choose what I allow in.

Wait to worry.

I love this hack to living a lovely life.

Love this.

I feel seen.

Yes to all of these, but sweet tea and chacos.

What you do matters.

Enjoying the three day weekend, but also remembering the reason for it.

Those are my people.

Dose of cuteness for your day.



So true.

G didn't get this one, but it made me laugh out loud. 

This is my life right now.

It's funny because it's true.

The National Park Service has a great sense of humor.

The good old days.

For more life latey:

Week 21 of 2019

Week 21 of 2020

Week 21 of 2021

Week 21 of 2022

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