Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Life Lately: Week 19

This is what the past week looked like.

Pop of pink.

75 and sunny.

Grilled chicken and broccoli is what's for dinner.

Convinced my neighbors to join me for a swim.

Banana pancakes.

Ruff life.

This was such a fun read full of so many twists I did not see coming.

Prepped the guest room for my mom.

Tell me you haven't grocery shopped in weeks without telling me...


Storms rolled in.

Salmon bowls with siracha mayo.

Calm after the storm.

Manny tucked himself into his blanket.

Return to office kicked off this week.

I'm outside the radius so I don't have to go in, but I've been coming in more for supplier visits. 

My mom came into town for a brunch class in my little town.

We had the best time making quiche, scones and muffins and chatting with the other class members. 

Finished products tasted even better than they looked.

After class my mom came over and we sat on the (new!) deck.

Gorgeous sunset for her visit, thanks God. :)

We moved to the porch and I made us a little snack.


Manny and my mom: a love story.

The sweetest.

I don't know what these are, but they are pretty.

Summer Friday in my old neighborhood

These fake flowers looked so real I had to buy a few.

Chalk art.

My mom and I had lunch at Diamonds.

We shared a few apps. 

We drove by our first house.

They painted the deck, added a fence and new landscaping and it was nice to see them taking good care of the house.

So many good memories there.

We continued our trip down memory lane and went to Thompson Lake where G and I used to walk Manny every weekend.

A bit more shopping downtown.

Just a girl who loves pickles.

Met a family friend at Silver Pig for a predinner drink.

Walked over to Cello for dinner.

When life hands you lemons, make limoncello.

Funny story: We ordered mozzarella sticks and I asked for ranch and the manager went down the street to get it because they don't serve it, oops!

This lemon pasta is one of the best pastas I've ever eaten.

Meanwhile G was at home tilling the beach.

Sleepy Saturday.

It was rainy and cold.

That sunset though.

I captured the Northern Lights from my backyard!!!

Auntie perks.

My little loves.

Goofing around with Uncle G.

Closing out a lovely weekend.


True story.

Love this outlook.



It's funny because it's true.

Good point.

That sounds fun.

Yes please. 



How things change as we get older, but that is what I love about girls nights.

We dive deep and solve all our problems.


For more life lately:

Week 19 of 2019

Week 19 of 2020

Week 19 of 2021

Week 19 of 2022

Week 19 of 2023

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