Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Life Lately: Week 20

This is what the past week looked like.

Dino nugget salad.

Don't knock it until you try it.

Summer weather is here!

Insert all the praise hands.

Pulled pork sandwiches with CFA sauce.


Stormy Monday.

I hadn't made a quiche in a while so I just threw in what I had - eggs, provolone, cheddar, onion and spinach.


Reese Witherspoon Book Club read for work.

It was well written, but long.

Favorite quotes:

"'Your mother's officially entered porch mode... She won't set foot indoors again until October.'"

"Maybe another person couldn't irrevocably save you, but they could sometimes calm you down, and that felt like an exquisitely magical thing."

Peach skies.

In office day and a little snacky snack.

Lunch with a sweet coworker.

Book club after work.

Sushi obsession.

Golden hour.

That elbow (or knee?) on my leg though.

G put together my new deck furniture (and added our old set) to prepare to host his team.

G's team.

Rain was not expected, but as soon as we all sat down to eat dinner it started drizzling.

We ate through it as the rain progressively got worse until we all came inside to finish eating.

It poured, but this cloud was cool.

After an hour the rain stopped and it turned into a beautiful evening.

We even got a rainbow.

Fun group of people.

Paddleboat at sunset.

G was even able to get a fire going after the rain.

The porch is magic at night.

Wiped out after a fun day.

Two swans were on the lake this weekend and we named them Ron Swanson. 

Fake flowers for the win.

This weather is incredible.

A weekend spent floating is a good weekend in my book.

Seriously though.

This is the cutest.

It's funny because it's true.


For sure.

For more life lately:

Week 20 of 2019

Week 20 of 2020

Week 20 of 2021

Week 20 of 2022

Week 20 of 2023 Part 1 and Part 2

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