Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Life Lately: Week 21

This is what the past week looked like.

Time on the lake is good for the soul.

It has been hot and Manny can't handle it.

Taco (bowl) Tuesday.

See also: Aldi's cilantro lime rice is legit.

Dinner with a view.

His paw on G's arm though.

My heart melted.

Falafel bowl craving.

Work offsite in Grand Rapids.

Elevator selfie.

The hotel was giving me Miami vibes.

Dinner at Divani.


Those mashed potatoes were delightful. 

Chocolate covered strawberries are underrated. 

Karaoke time!

Sweet Caroline.

It was a beautiful night so our next step was our hotel's rooftop, Knoop.

Last stop of the night was Z's for more karaoke.

Went to bed way past my bedtime and coffee (x2) was necessary. 

At our offsite meeting we were gifted these sweet Pringles slides.

The best broccoli cheddar soup I've had.

Walking around downtown GR.

Met a friend for drinks at Stella's.

Relaxing with a good book that I could not put down.

Fave quotes:

"She doesn't understand what it means to love books so passionately that you would die without them, that you would simply stop breathing, stop existing."

"I've always thought that it's those children - the ones who realize that books are magic - who will have the brightest lives."


Roak was more interested in the lake than Manny, ha!

Love the beer and not just because I'm a millennial. 

Nobody loves a hot tub more than these two.

Poor Manny got stuck in the screened in porch and got soaked from the kiddos playing in the hot tub and if you know Manny you know that's his nightmare.

This dog HATES water.

Ella and I love the water and were probably fish in another life.

Sandy pup.

Floatin' is all I wanna do.

Tired dog from too much playtime in the lake.

We slowly talked everyone into getting in the lake and my dad was the last one standing, but once my mom got in he joined the party.

Ella is a Manchester City fan so G couldn't resist giving her a Manchester United towel.

It must have been good luck because Man U won the FA Cup!

Brad was on an epic road trip (you can read about it here) and he brought home wine to share from his travels.

In typical fashion we planned to eat at 2:30, but ended up on the lake until 4:30. 

Lake time is real. 

We were starving so the pulled pork, pasta salad and crisp salad (Ella accidently put it in the freezer instead of the fridge lol) hit the spot.

Making memories on the new deck.

She's good, right?


So much construction right now.


I love summer water.


It's funny because it's true.

Pay with your face, bahaha.

For more life lately:

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