Thursday, June 6, 2024

Life Lately: Week 22

This is what the past week looked like.

Cold and rainy Memorial Day.

Watched the French Open from the hot tub.

Dog days of summer.

I had no interest in watching The Valley because I'm not a Jax fan, but after all the hype (and my SIL's review) I am watching and I am into it.

Everyone is so open and honest about marriage and parenting and it's fascinating. 

Finally tried People's Kitchen and I'm obsessed.

Summer sunsets are my favorite.

Pepperoni pinwheels with coworkers.

BC Farmer's Market.

Supplier dinner at Kitchen Proper.

Salted caramel gelato was a sweet ending to a delicious meal.

Stop and smell the flowers.

Repurposed my Kitchen Proper leftovers with cilantro lime sauce and took it to the next level.

Working on the porch with my lazy coworker.

Salad for lunch.

Sunshine on my mind.

I saw a recipe for a healthy cake that called for two ripe bananas and I had two ripe bananas to use up so I baked!

Swim season is underway. 

Friday night lights.

Burrito bowls with cheese is a game changer.

Goodbye sun.

Down in front.

This was not the cute and light book I thought it would be, but I liked it.

Fave quotes:

"A voice: warm and low and gentle, a voice to cast spells, charm snakes, shape the course of dreams."

"Grief is the price we pay for love, so they say. The price is far too high."

This is a terrible picture, but we had quite the bird activity.

We had a whole Cardinal family (pictured), and a baby blue jay (not pictured).

G and I both commented on the cute baby when we started hearing squawking and saw a hawk swoop in.

The hawk came so close to the screen of our porch I thought it was going to go through it!

Luckily the baby is okay and their parents chased the hawk away. 

Manny was un-phased by the whole thing.

Nothing says summer more than pasta salad.

Vanilla skies.

The afternoon light on my fave guy

Memorial Day is so much more than a three day weekend.

Memorial Day is the most expensive holiday on the calendar.

Good reminder.

I pray time never makes me numb to beauty.



I agree.


This is such a good example of God's sense of humor. 

It's funny because it's true.


100 percent. 

I am so good at these three things.

For more life lately:

Week 22 of 2019

Week 22 of 2020

Week 22 of 2021

Week 22 of 2022

Week 22 of 2023

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