Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Life Lately: Week 40

This is what the past week looked like.

I usually recap Monday to Sunday, but last week's recap was so long I included last Sunday in here as well.

Soaking up the last few weeks of sitting on the porch.

Watching the heat leave the lake is the worst.

Sunday brunch Bloody Mary.

This was a cute read.

G makes the most epic burgers.

Snug as a bug.

RHOBH is so good this season.

Happy October!

Fall sunsets take my breath away.

Leftover burgers with veggies.

Seeing the boats leave the lake is just the saddest.

Aldi falafel with cucumber, grape tomatoes, hummus, and cauliflower rice is delicious.

He is drugged up and ready for his vet appointment. 

You have a pizza my heart.

10/5 - Probably the last swim of the year.

I added twinkle lights to my office and they make me so happy.

Another gorgeous sunset.


Busted out apple cider liqueur to cheers to the weekend.

I finished The Worry Cure which truly was a LIFE CHANGING book.

Doesn't he remind you of E.T. here?

I made the basement extra cozy for G's football watching Saturday.

The leaves are starting to change colors.

He doesn't look comfortable.

We went to our neighbors' house for dinner.

Her décor is just too good.

Chili on a chilly day.

The geese are back.

This guy had a week and this was our vibe Sunday.

At the vet we found out he had fleas (not allergies like we thought) so he has been taking medicine and I've been cleaning him and washing/vacuuming everything all week long. 


RHOBH is so good I needed popcorn with it.

We haven't made Chicken Scampi in a while and it tasted just as good as I remember it.

Happy fall.

This is why we can't compare ourselves to anyone.

Don't put off your dreams.

Keep going, keep growing.

Good advice.

I was actually just in a coffee chat with a member of leadership and I asked how he handled/coped with stress and he said by focusing on what he can control (and then realizing very little is in his control).


Yes to all of this.

Love this... the sky is the limit!

It all comes back to boundaries. 

So true.



This made me actually laugh out loud.

Sweatshirt season is upon us.

For more life lately:

Week 40 of 2019

Week 40 of 2020

Week 40 of 2021

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