Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Life Lately: Week 36 (Part 2!)

 This is what the second half of week 36 looked like.

You can catch part one here.

Tunnel of Trees.

The iconic Legs Inn.

Named for the stove legs that trim the roofline.

The building reflects Stanley Smolak's (Poland immigrant who came to the US in 1912) creativity and craftsmanship.

The inn is constructed from locally gathered timber and stones and is truly a sight to behold.

We cannot act normal in front of a statue.

Cheers to the off season and not having to wait for a table.

G and I shared The Taste of Poland to get a good sample of everything.

My favorite was the Golabki (cabbage with meat, rice, seasoning in a tomato sauce).

The garden area was pretty stunning.

My favorite travel partner. 

The beauty of Lake Michigan.

We walked across the street to Petoskey Brewing Company for an after dinner drink.

Sunset drive.

I couldn't pick a favorite sunset picture so I had to include them both.

You know I love a good sunset. :)

Epic Euchre battle.

Manny was living his best life with the grandparents.

Easy like Sunday morning.

Brunch at Sam's Graces Cafe.

The Cherry Bellini was perfection.

The whitefish eggs benedict was my favorite meal of the whole trip.

We met my parents at a park to pick up Manny.

That guy was tired out and I've never seen him lay down in a car before so I had to document this.

He gets car sick and is always breathing heavy and drooling and won't even sit down so this was miraculous.

Workouts for the week:

Monday - 1.18 mile walk

Tuesday - 2.06 mile walk and 55 minute swim

Wednesday - 2.19 mile walk

Thursday - 2.38 mile walk

Friday - 1.43 mile walk

Saturday - 2.19 mile walk

Sunday - 1.61 mile walk

We grabbed Manny a pup cup for being such a good boy.

Wiped out from a great weekend.

"Find the beauty and joy in your daily rituals and you will find beauty and joy in your daily life."

Don't. Waste. It.


The Lions won against last year's Super Bowl champs so we are all so excited for the season.


This made me laugh, but I love a good ice breaker question at supplier meetings.


Mission accomplished. 


For more life lately:

Week 36 of 2019

Week 36 of 2020

Week 36 of 2021

Week 36 of 2022

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