Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Life Lately: Week 29 (Part 2!)

This is what the second half of the week looked like.

You can catch part here.

Sunrise walk with Manny.

Tom Lake was a slow burn, but the writing was beautiful and she captured summers in Michigan so perfectly.

Fave quote:

"For so many years I have not kissed another soul, and there is a deep and abiding comfort in this."

Demo day on our main floor bathroom.

It's our first renovation we contracted out and I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. 

Treated myself to a pedicure.

There's no place like home.

My town is like a Hallmark movie, right?

A tired pup after a trip to the groomers.

The lake is my happy place.

We tried a new recipe and it was a flop.

Having a moment with Fever-Tree.

Sunset skies.

Manny's groomer is close to my favorite bakery so I had to pick up a few slices of quiche.

My love and I at my parents' house for a little family reunion. 

Tried a new drink and I'm a fan.

Ella and Uncle G.

Good eats.

Sweet cousins.

Almost all of my mom's side of the family.



A beautiful end to a beautiful weekend.

God is good.

It's so true.


I feel seen.

100 percent.




For more life lately:

Week 29 of 2019

Week 29 of 2020

Week 29 of 2021

Week 29 of 2022

Week 29 of 2023

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