Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Life Lately: Week 43

This is what the past week looked like.

When the sun hits the trees just right.

Puppy vibes.

What a way to start a Monday, lol.

I knew the crew was coming to redo the roof (from the tree damage), but I didn't know when so I was quite startled to look up and see this.

Making progress.

One day done.

More progress on day two, but then it rained the rest of the week.

A tofu bowl is a lunch favorite.

He's so handsome.

The weather has been in the 70s all week and it has felt incredible to open the windows again.

A fave fall recipe.

The new screens were installed and I can't get over how nice they look.

Our old microwave died so we bought this fun, vintage one to replace it.

Sometimes 5:30 rolls around and I am surprised I have to figure out what to make for dinner, anyone else?

Aldi frozen pizza to the rescue.

Take the road less traveled. 

Went to lunch with a sweet friend at one of my favorite restaurants, The Fire Hub.

Popcorn day at work.

I finished The Celebrants and I have a few favorite quotes I'm still thinking about:

"...We were all figuring out this thing called life, and in truth we probably are still. But there is always someone a little farther down the path, and if they have a kind heart, if they truly care about others, every so often they turn back and light the way."

"I just figure that at a certain point, life takes more from you than it gives."

"To think about life is to contemplate death - it's what makes living so valuable."

Sushi after a productive day in the office.

That ear still gets me.

Have I mentioned how amazing this weather is?

We were able to sit outside on the porch during our premarital mentoring session.

Air fried tofu to repurpose my salad from Fire Hub.

Soaking up the screened in porch time as much as we can before it gets cold again.


Friday night and the mood is bright... and tired.

I didn't choose the brunch life, the brunch life choose me.

Stormy skies.

South Africa won the Rugby World Cup!!!

They are only the second team to win back to back years.

SA played New Zealand so I got to watch the haka one more time.

These might be my new favorite Pringles flavor, and not just because I was part of the innovation project.

When summer and fall collide. 

Sunday supper.

RIP Matthew Perry. 

Chandler Bing. Chanandler Bong. Chan chan man. Bing a ling.

Thanks for the laughs, you were a comedic genius and my favorite friend. 

Good reminder after another emotionally exhausting week with so much unrest in the Middle East.

I love this perspective shift.


Don't chase, attract.

"You don't have to be more of anything in order to be enough."

Bahahaha this is actually a great idea. 

People are so creative. 

It's funny because it's true.

Ahh so this is where it all stemmed from.

I'm at that age.

I hate when I do that.

A screamy dreamy, eek!


It really does feel unfair.

And don't even know it.

Follow me for more life hacks. ;)

For more life lately:

Week 43 of 2019

Week 43 of 2020

Week 43 of 2021

Week 43 of 2022

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that butterfly quote, both figuratively and making me want to grow more flowers next year :)