Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Life Lately: Week 28

This is what the past week looked like.

My little kangaroo. 

I can't believe this was seven years ago.

This book was a little woo woo, but there were some gems.

Fave quotes:

"Treat yourself as if you already are what you'd like to become."

"Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy of the world."

"Beautiful thoughts build a beautiful soul."

"There's always something beautiful to be experienced wherever you are."

"When doubt is banished, abundance flourishes and anything is possible."

"Treat everything from a broken fingernail to an illness to the loss of a job to a geographical move as an opportunity to get away from your familiar routine and move to purpose."

Treated myself to a pedicure after the dentist. 

Air fried tofu and veggies over cauliflower rice with garlic dip was lunch this week.

10/10 recommend. 

This casserole carrier was an Amazon Prime deal that I already used this week.

Has a dog ever loved a pillow more?

Sausage tortellini for dinner.

Since I was leaving for another girls weekend I decided to leave little notes around the house for G to find over the weekend.

He is so weird.

Packed and ready to go on my annual girls weekend. 

Neve snuggles on the way up north.

Hello Blue Lake!

Deb and I both use our monogrammed bags from Kate's wedding for weekend trips.

Gangs all here.

Cheers to year TEN!

Year one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.

Meanwhile back at home...

G started finding his notes and loved them. 

Deb's cottage.

I made Asian Sesame Chicken for dinner and we ate that with a few snacks.

Swooning over sunset.

Back at home Manny is missing out on golden hour.

Midnight snack.

Coffee tastes better on vacation. 

Breakfast of champions. 

It was a rainy weekend so we sat at the dining room table chatting, snacking, and Barb painted our nails.

Girls weekends are just good for the soul. 

I'm having a moment with garlic hummus.

I had to see what all the hype was about for Topo Chico and I'm into it.

Those puppy eyes though. 

Ball of fire.

Deb makes a mean Bloody Mary.

There was a break in the rain so we headed to the lake.

We got about an hour on the lake before it started raining again, ha!

Indigo and Saffron. 

Deb made the most epic steak tacos.

The key was the fried corn tortillas, yum!

These weekends are all about talking about life, solving life's problems, laughing, and crying.

Meanwhile back at home.

The rain cleared up for sunset and I wasn't mad about that.

Not throwing away my shot.

Deb's neighbor was at karaoke so we made our own karaoke video for her with our rousing rendition of Goodbye Earl.

Breakfast sandwich Sunday.

Bird or neighbor watching?

Walk around the lake.

Reunited with my boys.

Yes to everything but the crafts.



It's funny because it's true.

I feel seen.


Been there.

When it's nice out the struggle is real.

I want a cocktail and the lake.

For more life lately:

Week 27 of 2019

Week 27 of 2020

Week 27 of 2021

Week 27 of 2022

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a great social life! I forget you're an enneagram 1