Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Life Lately: Week 7

 This is what the past week looked like.

It was a heavy week.

There have been 71 mass shootings in 2023 (and it's only the second month of the year). 

Each time I hear about a shooting my heart breaks.

This time the shooting was at my alma mater and fifteen minutes from my home.

It hit too close to home and I'm heartbroken, shaken and angry.

Monday started like any other day.

I read my Bible, worked from home, walked Manny, and then met G at the gym for a swim.

I had chicken cooking in the crock pot to make chicken shawarma bowls.  

G wanted the hummus and garlic from Whole Foods for our bowls so he stopped there which means he has to drive through MSU to get home. 

He drove by the Union and Berkley Hall unable to even fathom that just thirty short minutes later the horrifying and senseless act of violence that would occur and change us all forever.

Manny has been my emotional support animal this week.

We don't let him in our bed, but G let him snuggle me every night this week.

Valentine's Day tradition for us is usually sushi takeout and since our gym is by our favorite sushi place we were going to play pickleball first.

But it was just a heavy and sad day.

We didn't feel like celebrating so G cooked Italian Sausage Tortellini and we had a quiet night in.

Spotted on my walk with Manny.

Supplier visit perks.

After my supplier visit I went to the gym and couldn't hold in the tears as I drove through campus.

The ice has melted!

This is our third year in this house and I've never seen the lake thaw this early.

Not mad about it.

I picked up sushi after my swim to continue our Valentine's Day tradition just a day late.

On February 16th we celebrated our 15th (!!) wedding anniversary.

Look at those babies.

We had dinner reservations at our favorite steakhouse, but an ice storm hit so we had to reschedule.

We got about a quarter inch of ice and three inches of snow.

Seeing the sun sparkle on the water was good for the soul.

I just wanted to laugh so G and I watched the new Nate Bargatze special on Amazon and it was fun.

We played pickleball on Saturday and it felt so good to play again. 

Have I mentioned how good it feels to see the water again? :)

My parents came over Sunday and we had a lovely afternoon eating Mexican food, drinking pineapple margs, and talking.

Manny LOVES my mom.

My mom brought us this sweet gift for our anniversary. 

And these adorable pickleball napkins.

Aww, I love them so much.

Creamsicle skies.

We ended the week with American Idol.

This captures how the community is feeling. 

If you want to support you can buy a shirt here and proceeds from the sale will go toward the Spartan Strong Fund.

Fun fact: Eminem made a donation.

My church had a beautiful service of prayer, worship and lamenting.

You can watch it here.

I'm not crying, you are.

Class act.

Bigger than a rivalry.

I've been praying this all week long.

We need change.

Proud to be part of this incredible community. 

I remember hearing a quote about Mr. Rogers saying when he saw scary things in the news his mother told him to look for the helpers and when you look for the helpers you will find them.

So many helpers, bless them.

It's comforting in the hard times to look for the helpers.

Spartan strong.

For more life lately:

Week 7 of 2019

Week 7 of 2020

Week 7 of 2021

Week 7 of 2022

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