Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Life Lately: Week 27

This is what the past week looked like.

Wiped out.

Happy July!

Oven baked salmon over risotto.

This was a fun summer read and I just loved the female friendship storyline.

4 out of 5 stars.

Fave quotes:

"No person can be your everything."

"Our relationship is how I learned to compromise. It's how I learned that the families we make are as significant as the ones we're born into. It's how I learned that the greatest loves are not always romances."

"You are the perfect end to every one of my days."

Fourth of July fireworks all week has stressed this poor guy out.

Sandwich season.

Summer sunsets are my favorite.

Swimming is my happy place.

I heart the library. 

Sometimes the sky just takes my breath away.

Dog days of summer.

Bunny spotting.

Boat parade.

The parade always ends with the anthem and it's always touching.

G grilled us burgers on the holiday.

"You're a firework

Come on, show 'em what you're worth"

Let the weekend beGIN.

Lunch with my mom and a family friend at one of my favorites.

Live life in full bloom.

We grabbed Starbucks and walked around town and window shopped.


We walked along the river and G said he checked my location and it looked like I was floating up the river, lol.

Wild flowers.

Sleeping peacefully... 

Heard a firework and on high alert.

Falafel bowl is what's for dinner.

This squirrel watched us on the porch and I joked with G that this is what it must feel like to be an animal at the zoo.

Scene from my walk with M.

Tired pup.

I read this book in just a couple of days.

Not my favorite of hers, but I loved the message.

Fave quotes:

"Being surprised by life isn't losing, it's living. It's messy and uncomfortable and complicated and beautiful . It's life, all of it. The only way to get it wrong is to refuse to play."

"We have to be cracked open sometimes. We have to be cracked open sometimes to let everything good in... Learning to be broken is learning to be whole."

Pesto pasta.

Obsessed with The Bear.

ET, err... I mean Manny.

A coworker went over this in a meeting and it's a great illustration. 

Eek, I feel this.

Yes to all of these.

Still thinking about this.

Happy 4th of July!

So true.

I feel this deeply.

I feel seen.

This is so me.

100 percent.

I heard this hot take on the Scrubbing In podcast.

And had a lively conversation with G about this.

Yikes Ross!


New favorite answer to what I'm doing this weekend: enjoying my mortgage.

It's so true though.

100 percent.

This made me laugh out loud because I have calculated some embarrassing calculations.

For more life lately:

Week 26 of 2019

Week 26 of 2020

Week 26 of 2021

Week 26 of 2022

Week 26 of 2023

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