Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Life Lately: Week 14

 This is what the past week looked like.

I love when a new month starts on a Monday.

It feels like an extra fresh start.

We tried a new recipe and just subbed peppers for kale since that's what we had on hand it.


I had my very first mammo this week.

This is 40.

I ran out of deli turkey so I made a sandwich with a veggie burger and it was even better.

Legs for days.

Hosted a little girls night.

Girl dinner.

Signs of spring (even though it's still cold here).

Puppy play date and Pebbles was less shy this time, but she did not move from this position and would not play with Manny, ha!

This was a fun read, highly recommend.

Fave quote:

"If I could go back - the things in my life that I would stand and truly, fully witness, if I knew how they were going to turn out..."

Pretzel as big as your head.

I can't get over his cuteness. 

I made chicken in the slow cooker marinating in Greek dressing and then wrapped it in a pita with lettuce and feta dip.


I cannot stay healthy for the life of me.

I had two glorious years without sickness, then had a Christmas cold in December, Covid in January with symptoms through a week ago and now I have the flu.

It started with a cough and scratchy throat, then a fever and headache and G is back to sleeping in the basement.

My neighbor brought me dinner and it was so appreciated.

See also: I have the best neighbors.

Neighborhood watch.

If only this Pad Thai tasted as good as it looked.

Nurse Manny reporting for duty.

This movie had a creative storyline, but overall was disappointing.

Another page turner of a book with twists and turns and a satisfying ending.

Fave quote:

"The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you move your body screams more about you than anything else ever could."

Sir sleeps a lot.

Celebrated four years living the lake house dream.

G and I took advantage of the gorgeous spring weather.

Love this.

Still thinking about this.

Live it. Feel it. Own it. Overcome it.

Love this visual. 

Everything God makes is beautiful. 


Happy Tax Season!

This made me laugh.

All I know is there is still so much I don't know.

Fun fact.

I feel seen.

The days I had to run a mile in school were my least favorite days.

This is a great idea.

Yep, especially this week and the flu I was in bed before 8.

Oh man, kids don't know what a floppy disk is.

I feel old.

I'm definitely Words of Spelled Correctly. 

I want this potato platter for $1.29, what a time to be alive!

For more life lately:

Week 14 of 2019

Week 14 of 2020

Week 14 of 2021

Week 14 of 2022

Week 14 of 2023

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