Monday, April 11, 2022

Life Lately: Week 14

 This is what the past week looked like.

Greek Yogurt Granola Bowls for breakfast this week.


Monday vibes.

Crock Pot Chicken Curry.

Snow, snow go away.

This was a quick read.

It was cute, but I don't think I really learned anything new.

Getting a new phone ended up being a much longer progress than I expected (UGH), but when I had to go back to the store (UGH) G and I made a date night out of it.

Olive Garden is always a good idea.

Signs of summer: The grass is getting greener and pontoons are going in.

My snuggle buddy.



What a difference 30 minutes made!

Tostados for dinner.

I'm obsessed with the camera on my new phone and I'm obsessed with Manny.

It's been rainy and gloomy all week.

This duet is AMAZING.

My two faves of the season and I hope one of them win it all.

Leftover Olive Garden on the patio.

We moved our dining table to the living room so we could eat meals by the lake, but we moved it back since we were having people over.

This is where it belongs, but it makes me want to start looking for a small table for the living room.

Sushi lunch with sweet friends.

Our house is cozy and ready for our premarital mentee couple.

It's hard to see, but our mentee couple spotted this bald eagle flying past our window.

Can you spot him?

He brings me Starbucks.

Weekend walks.

Brunch life is the only life for me.

It wasn't grilling weather, but he made us a delicious meal.

We went next door to let our neighbors' pup out and it took Jovi a minute to warm up to me (and I think she misses her sister RIP).

She loves G.

This guy.

Good reminder.

Consistency is key.

This feels right.

We will get one 60 degree day and then endless cold days (and snow!).

This is so me.

It's funny because it's true.


For more life lately:

Week 14 of 21019

Week 14 of 2020

Week 14 of 2021

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