Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Life Lately: Week 45

 This is what the past week looked like.

The moon was so bright this week.

I have a good morning routine right now.

I wake up at 6:00 to do my Bible study, write in my prayer journal and then read a personal development book.

Then I head to the basement for about a half hour to work out.

It starts my days off right and I plan to keep this up into the new year.

Cheers to an impromptu girls night.

Manny gets extra clingy when I leave him.

He is definitely a Covid dog, ha!

I was so busy last week I didn't get to Aldi for their advent calendars, but was shocked (and happy!) I was still able to get one.

I was also able to get the cheese advent calendar and the candle advent calendar.

It is going to be a fun and festive December. 

I was out of sourdough, but found an everything bagel in the freezer and it MADE my sandwich. 

A festive fall table for our new mentee couple.

I made Italian Sausage Tortellini and it was such a hit we all had seconds.

I will definitely make this again.

Aww, such a sweet text from my neighbor.

The sunrise was quite spectacular. 

Lunch with a coworker. 

Enjoying the warm weather for as long as I can.

71 degree weather in mid-November!

Of course I worked on the porch (maybe for the last time this year?).  

My SIL said Manny looks like a fetus, bahahaha.

Sushi and champagne to celebrate one year at the new job.

It's been challenging, but it's also been so good.

I love knowing that depending on the difficulty of my day determines the amount of God's power at my disposal. 

We are not alone, God has got this.

It's not pretty, but I made Italian chicken in the slow cooker over cauliflower rice with roasted veggies.


It's cold again and Manny isn't a fan.

This candle smells incredible. 

We hosted our mentee couple that got married last month and just had the best time catching up and laughing a lot.

He's hugging my leg and my heart is melting.

Walked in a new sub filled with big, stunning homes.

Reunited with one of my best friends in the whole world!

Cheers to long distance friendships and catching up like no time has passed.

My fave salad.

Shopping local.

This sign is hard to see, but it says "Your husband called... He said buy whatever you want."


We ended our sweet afternoon together at a little outdoor market drinking hot chocolate.


Have you guys watched this interview?!

Oh my gosh, it's so good.

I love Matthew Perry and can't wait to read his new book.

Aww love this.

Good November reminders.

There is always something to be grateful for.

What an inspiring thought to set yourself up for your most epic year yet.



A great definition of what it looks like to be positive. 

The little things always end up being the big things.

This reminds me of something a coworker said in a meeting last month: "You can't have success without failure."

It's so true so why do we get stuck thinking failure makes us a failure?

A good reminder during election week.

Perspective shift.

So true, ha!


So I will rock my Christmas music unapologetically. 

For more life lately:

Week 45 of 2019

Week 45 of 2020

Week 45 of 2021

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