It started with the crown molding and base boards. They are wood and they do not match the fireplace mantle. I never really noticed it much. Fast forward a year and it is all. I. Could. Think. About. How did we live like this?! Ok, I'm being dramatic but seriously. I couldn't stand it and I started talking to Garth about how I hated it and wanted to change it. I asked for your help and you gave us the push to do it so thank you so much! Thanks to your awesome advice to check out Young House Love we found the steps to paint the trim and base boards. You guys all rock!
So we mentioned we were going to paint to our small group and one couple let us borrow their ladder and another couple had left over oil based paint we could use. Everything just fell into place. We bought painter's tabe and brushes and we were ready to roll!
Last Friday night we had a taping party. It really is true if you add "party" to the end of something it just becomes fun. We jammed to country music and got to work.

Taping carpet is no joke. Also, corners were very difficult and I would get frutrated and sweet Garth would come to my rescue and effortlessy tape them. It was a J-O-B. We went through three rolls of tape for our entire main floor, which isn't even that big. But goodness there is a lot of crown molding and base boards. But that was only the beginning!
Next up, the painting and before and after pictures.
Oh, trim is always such a killer! We really need to touch up ours very soon. The never ending TLC of owning a house, ha!
I hate painting!! Especially the trim. We were so frustrated with painting before we moving into our house that we ended up hiring a pro to come finish the trim. I am about to start a new project with our master bath that definitely needs some love. You'll have to watch for my "before" pics this week. :)
wow, wow, wow. So much work!!! good luck :)
I seriously CANNOT wait to see the finished project! I hate putting up painter's tape, but the end results are normally worth it!
Trim is the worst!!! I can't wait to see the finished product though!
I hate doing trim...such a pain.
You are going to LOVE the results!!!!
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