Friday, July 19, 2024

Life Lately: Week 28

This is what the past week looked like.

"We are often far less patient with God than He is with everything. We try to rush His plan and we mistrust His heart."

Sailboat spotting.

Greek salad with a veggie burger is lunch lately.

Insert all the heart eyes.

Winner, winner chicken dinner.

The goodest boy.

Our grocery pick up order got delayed so we cancelled it and I scrounged the freezer/fridge/pantry and found salmon patties, veggies and rice.

I mixed it all together and served with siracha mayo and it was delicious.

Coffee date with a sweet friend on my in office day.

The prettiest salad.

Sunrise walks with M.

This book was so dark and yet I kept pushing through because I'm not good at abandoning books.

The ending was fantastic and made the whole thing worth it.

4/5 stars.

Deer family.

I don't mean to brag, but I make a good sandwich.

Just keep swimming.

We swam just about 1.25 miles!

Taco bites at sunset.

Goodbye sun.

Coffee tastes better on the weekend.

Party prep.

Saturday skies.

Happy 8th birthday Bennett!

Per the birthday boy's request we had hot dogs and brats.

We spent the afternoon on the lake floating and playing.

A beautiful end to a beautiful weekend.


Good reminder.

Sweet summertime. 

Another way of saying to put your oxygen mask first.

Perspective check.

It's funny because it's true.

Well... now that you mention it.


I never liked that game, but maybe it's the root of my perfection tendencies? ;)

If you don't laugh you'll cry.

She's not wrong.

For more life lately:

Week 28 of 2019

Week 28 of 2020

Week 28 of 2021

Week 28 of 2022

Week 28 of 2023

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