Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Life Lately: Week 8

 This is what the past week looked like.

Just keep swimming. 

He brings me Starbucks.

I duplicated the artichoke salad I ate in Miami and it was GOOD.

I brought the salad to our premarital mentees house and it was a hit.

It was fun to see their new house and hear all about married life.

They spoiled us with garlic shrimp pasta (even the noodles were homemade!), garlic bread, and rusks.

Another week, another ice storm.

Sporty spice.

When it was all said and done we had about a quarter inch of ice to shovel and it was a JOB.

It's only fitting to start Numbers during budget week.

I still can't believe the ice has melted so early this year.

Manny moo.

Our sweet mentee couples' family owns a cattle farm and gave us some ground beef and it was AMAZING.

"May He give you deep, abiding, fear-dispelling, chaos-calming, circumstance-defying joy."

Singing snow on the beach on repeat.

Snug as a bug.

Indian takeout. 

My forever wedding date.

The venue was so cuuute.

Attending our premarital mentees' weddings is such an honor and a joy.

We sat at a fun table with good people (and the food was delicious too).

The newlyweds!

The bride and groom were dancing with the groom's kids and it was the sweetest.

See also: the groom's daughter gave a speech that had the whole room crying.

It was such a beautiful wedding.

I danced the night away with the girls from my table and had a blast.

Manny loves a belly rub.

And yes, my tree is still up.

It's a winter tree.

That ear though.

We hosted our newest mentee couple for Sunday brunch.

G made this swiss chard, mozzarella and feta egg bake and it's our new favorite quiche.

I put together a granola bowl station to go with it and both were delightful. 

He must have sensed we were expecting company.

My tea collection is growing.

That cannot be comfortable.

Epic sunset.

This audition was beautiful.

And this audition wrecked me.

Love this.

I feel seen. 

Mind. Blown.

Dolly Parton is a GEM.

"Marvel at your life."



@belleionaire has a point here.

My SIL sent me these Disney gifs and they were just too good not to share.

It's funny because it's true. 

I thought the same thing!


I'm sorry. 

Haha, was that ever a problem for anyone?

This made me laugh way too hard.




I don't want to be where the people are.

For more life lately:

Week 8 of 2019

Week 8 of 2020

Week 8 of 2021

Week 8 of 2022

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