Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Life Lately: Week 42

 This is what the past week looked like.

Manny (and I) are not ready for the cold and gray of winter, but here we are.

Lunch with a sweet coworker was a bright spot on a Monday.

Mondays are tiring, ha!

G was laughing so hard that he had to take this photo when he walked into our bedroom.

It made me laugh too, bahahahaha.

"Anxiety is a result of envisioning the future without Me."

I needed to hear this in my morning devotional this week.

Since swimming season is over I'm working out in the basement again.

I made this chicken chili recipe for dinner.

We are so late to the party, but we FINALLY finished Ozark.

What did you guys think? I needed more closure.

First fire of the season.

See also: it's been cold and there was even a bit of a snow flurry! 

Tried Gang Tao Hoo (veggies and tofu in coconut milk and Thai curry) and it was delightful. 

There's a dog under there.

My sweet neighbor brought us cheese from The Cheese Lady (aka the Dip Queen).

I just could not get excited about eating the chili leftovers so I repurposed the chili and served it over cauliflower rice with avocado.


A sweet friend came over and we walked Manny together.

Then we had a Chinese food feast.

Manny is acting like he doesn't get any love at all, ha!

That leg off the couch though.

The trees are showing off right now.

Made a pretty epic turkey sandwich and it was warm enough to sit on the porch.


That sunshine hits different after a week of clouds and rain/snow.

Cold (pumpkin) beer on a Friday night.

G grilled steaks and made his famous potatoes for Friday night date night.

Pink skies while we ate...

I love dinner and a show.

Pasta salad from Monticello's.

If you know, YOU KNOW.

It had been on our bucket list all summer, but we finally got around to it on a 70 degree October day.

Still not over the fall colors.

This guy is a dip lover like his aunt.


Cheers to all being together again, it had been too long!


Sorry Brad, it's too funny not to share.

The cutest cow there ever was.

Missed these two something fierce. 

My girl.

Sunday supper.

Benny loves a hot dog.

Showing off Brad's artwork.

We love #31!

Ready for her last game of the (outdoor) season.

Roak, my snuggle bug.


Cheering on #31.

Half of the cheering section.

Division champions!!

Picked up the best Thai food on the way home.

It seems so easy.

As if I couldn't love Rod Stewart any more. 

I recently heard on a podcast that "happy people do happy things for themselves" and I just love that.

I'm trying to do more of what makes me happy each day.

Light the candle. Play the song. Paint my nails. Straighten my hair. Read the book. Get in the hot tub. Go for a walk. Sing. Dance.

Feels about right.

It can't possibly be the same 9 p.m. 

Saved my favorite meme for last.

For more life lately:

Week 42 of 2019

Week 42 of 2020

Week 42 of 2021

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