Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Life Lately: Week 33

 This is what the past week looked like.

Vanilla skies.

Med take out is what's for dinner.

Long live summer.

G put down new mulch and added new solar lights.

Sun runs.

My coworkers are fun.

I love my library.

Supplier lunch.

Paddle boat delivery!

Avocado Cesar Salad for din.


Interns hard at work (ha!).

Grilled chicken and veggies for din.

My neighbor and I walked downtown to pick up Manny from the groomer.

We ate lunch outside so I grabbed a pup cup for Manny.

There is nothing better than ice cream on a hot summer day.

I love my town.

I color coded my apps.

I took my summer Friday (and bonus Thursday this week) and spent a lot of time floating and reading.


G brought home sushi and it hit the spot.

Dog days of summer.

I picked up quiche from the bakery downtown for G and I and it was so good.

Ready for Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Garth Weekend of Fun!

We had watermelon, cheese, and crackers on the porch.

Watermelon sugar hiiiiiiiigh.

Benny picked out a Lego toy at the Dollar Store and put it together during snack time.

We spent the afternoon in the lake and then came up for some time in the hot tub while G cooked dinner.

G's famous spaghetti!

Ella is the puppy whisperer. 

Benny loves Manny so much and kept saying "He is so cute!" and then kissing him on the cheek.


We watched Planes with popcorn and candy, of course.

The movie was super cute!

Benny snuggles are the best.

After the movie G made us a fire.

We roasted marshmallows for s'mores.

Awww, we had so much fun!

Ella looked too cute.

Our town had a little festival and we were able to watch the fireworks from our driveway.

I wish I got a picture of Benny in my ear muffs (to help with the firework noise), but I had dropped my phone in the yard and I didn't find it until after the fireworks.

Benny is so funny.

Sunday we spent the morning in the lake and then the family came over for a fun lake day.

This beer is a new fave!

A Mexican feast!

Then we spent the whole day on the lake and it was amazing.

You know it was a great lake day with family when I only have two pics!

It has been a heavy week and I am praying for Afghanistan.

Good reminder.


l made it!

This made me laugh way too hard.


So funny.

For more life lately:

Week 33 of 2019

Week 33 of 2020

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