Thursday, October 17, 2024

Life Lately: Week 41

This is what the past week looked like.

Cheers to girls night.

Dinner and the company were delightful. 

Me: "I'm having a good hair day so lets take a picture."

Coffee time on the porch has ended.

"And all at once summer collapsed into fall." Oscar Wilde


Tried a new recipe and it was pretty darn good.

In office day selfie. 

Supplier lunch.


Happy hour with a sweet friend.

The heat continues to leave the lake. :(

New kicks.

I was sound asleep during the Northern Lights, but my neighbors captured some good pictures.


M's favorite spot.

Deck sitting and spotted a heron. 

Still swimming and I even got G in on 10/12!

It was more of a polar plunge and our last swim of the season (for real this time).


Ruff life.

In my kayaking era.

We started kayaking on weekend mornings and I'm a fan of this new tradition. 

Weekend walks are my favorite.

Moriarty is one of my favorite authors (Big Little Lies! What Alice Forgot! The Husband's Secret!), but this book was disappointing.

The concept was interesting (and DARK), but it was too long and the ending fell flat for me.

Fave quotes:

"Don't buy into this idea that you've only truly 'lived' if you've traveled. As if taking the same photos at the same tourist spots as everyone else is the only thing that counts as living."

"I read an article once about the dazzling pop star Pink. She had recently lost her father and she said that her first thought was this: No one would ever love her like that again. When I read that I thought, Yes, Pink, I understand. Everyone loves a particular version of you and when that version is gone that version goes with them."

"But that's the thing about life: both your wildest dreams and your worst nightmares can come true."

"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on Earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had." (Elizabeth Kubler-Ross)

This guy loves hanging out in the sunshine with us.

As the weather has cooled off I've started my afternoon tea routine again.

The golden sunshine is my favorite.

Magic exists where you choose to find it. :)

It's funny because it's true.

This made me laugh out loud.

For real though!

The struggle is real.

I did too.

This is a fantastic idea.


I either buy food for snacks or for meals, there is no in between.

So true.


More life lately:

Week 41 of 2019

Week 41 of 2020

Week 41 of 2021

Week 41 of 2022

Week 41 of 2023

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