Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Life Lately: Week 20

 This is what the past week looked like.

Office views.

Feta is betta.

Hello Fresh's Chicken Gyro Couscous Bowls.

Here is a coupon if you want to try Hello Fresh.

The food is delicious, it's been fun trying new things (like couscous!) and it's just nice not to think about what's for dinner every night.


Bringing back a favorite: banana pancakes.

Two eggs and one banana blended. 

Add batter to frying pan and add chocolate chips/blueberries/etc.

I promise it tastes like the real thing (ask G!).

Sunrise walks are the best.

Hello Fresh's Zucchini and Mushroom Bibimbap Bowls were our favorite meal of the week and we will make this again.

Pops of purple on our walk.

I had my annual gynecologist and dermatologist appointments this week.

This is your public service announcement to schedule your check ups every year.

Out to dinner with friends.

If Ahi Tuna is on the menu I'm probably going to get it.

Oh hiiiii. 

My Craig pillows arrived and I'm in love!

Hello Fresh's Sesame Soy Beef Bowls.

Blanket stealer.

Another day, another sunrise walk.

It has been awhile so I made a spinach and feta quiche for breakfasts this week.

On a muggy morning ice coffee hits the spot.

Hello Fresh's Middle Eastern Chickpea Bowl.

See also: first pedicure of the season.

Our neighbors had a garage sale and we purchased their kayaks. 

It's good to be Manny.

One of my favorite things about my new job is summer hours.

I spent Friday afternoon reading on the porch.

Friday night G brought home dinner from our little town diner.

Coffee tastes better on the weekend. 


Sushi Saturday.

Sail boat spotting.

My sweet cuddle bud.

A beautiful ending to a beautiful weekend.

I'm heartbroken over the precious lives lost in Buffalo. 


Just to live.

Good reminder.

I want peace.

Love this.

So insightful. 


Modern women energy.


I understand nothing.

So polite.


Pretty much.

Guilty of this for sure.

This made me laugh because G has totally done this.

Stay safe out there.

So true.

It's funny because it's true.

For more life lately:

Week 20 of 2019

Week 20 of 2020

Week 20 of 2021

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