Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thoughts on Hosting


This article really spoke to me. I love to host people at my house. It must be the event planner in me. It makes me so happy. But the thought of cleaning every inch of my house makes me reconsider. The stress of everything being perfect when guests arrive stresses me out too much. That is why this article was just what I needed to hear. Angela Nazworth wrote:

"I must remember that size does not determine or in any way affect my worth or the value I can add to lives when I live to let the creator and sustainer of this world shine through me... It doesn't matter that I can only post sporadically if just one life is touched by the words God asked me to share.
Second, I’m going to celebrate the big and the small in life more than I normally do. I’m going to start off here by listing a few examples and then I’d love for you to come up with one or two of your own and put them in the comment section.
Speaking in front of an audience of 20,000 about the depths of Christ love is spectacular.
Inviting a lonely mom who just moved into your neighborhood over for coffee and chocolate cake and treating her as Jesus would treat her is equally as spectacular.
Starting a ministry that raises millions of dollars for orphans is beyond amazing.
Donating food from your own pantry to a homeless shelter even though it means you are going to have to cut back on a meal for yourself also is beyond amazing.
Writing a book that brings hope to millions of aching souls across the globe is beautiful.
Writing a few encouraging words in a card for a struggling friend is just as beautiful."

This totally changed my perspective of hosting. It made me not want to be afraid to invite people in because my house might not be perfect. My dog might not behave perfectly. I could miss out on loving like Jesus and I never want to do that. 

About a day later, I came across the above pin on Pinterest. Eesh. Talk about conviction. I had no idea a church did a series on hosting. That was up my ally! I watched the entire series and it was amazing.


The above quote stuck out to me too. That is my new motto for life. I want people to feel better about themselves after leaving my house or talking to me. I love that. I know people always felt great after talking to Jesus. It sure takes the pressure off having the perfect house when it shouldn't be about trying to impress them with your house or you in the first place!

G and I decided to host or spend time with a couple or group of friends once a week. To do life. To serve them. To maybe get out of our comfort zone a bit and reach out to a couple we don't know that well. Last week we had our friends from the small group we used to lead. I used paper plates and it was amazing. I didn't care about perfection. I just wanted to be present. I knew I couldn't wait on the dishes piling in the sink so I went with plastic so I wouldn't miss any of the fellowship. This week we are going to dinner with a co-worker and her husband we enjoyed talking to at the Christmas Party and decided to take a chance and invite them out. 

What is hosting mean to you? 

1 comment:

Anne said...

Lindsey, you guys are natural hosters! I really appreciated the times you and Garth had me over when I was going thru everything, and you spent a couple entire days (!) with me, eating, Salvation Army, walking, and just talking and sharing with me. It meant so much to me. So just be encouraged that you are doing it, and you do it well! :)