Thursday, April 18, 2013

Life Lately

Thank you for all your comments on yesterday’s post. Your honesty and encouragement mean the world to me. You guys are the best! I had written that post about 6 months ago and was too chicken to hit publish until yesterday.

My plan is after I lose the weight I'm going to get a new hair do. I'm not talking a cut. I miss my long hair and am slowly but surely growing it back out. I just want to get it dyed a new color. I'm thinking this strawberry  blonde color:


What do you think?

I was a red head a couple years ago and I didn't love it, though I got a lot of compliments on it.

I really liked being a blonde, though I know Garth and most of my friends liked me darker

So I feel strawberry blonde would be a good compromise.

It is finally getting green in Michigan. The sun is shining and the temps are nearing the 60s. Woohoo! It is like a cloud has lifted. Everyone is in such a good mood at work. I am loving this weather. It is time to start prepping our little garden for some summer veggies.

Confession: I have eaten chicken stir-fry three times this week. I made it for dinner Monday night, Tuesday night and lunch on Wednesday. I am SO over stir-fry.

Garth and I have our second 5k this week for Young Life, an awesome Christian organization I was a part of in high school. A few of my girlfriends came to faith through Young Life so it is an awesome organization I love supporting.

I am so ready vacation. We need to sit down. Figure out where we want to go and book it. Like yesterday. It is mid-April and I have only taken one vacation day. That is just plain crazyness. No wonder I'm so stir-crazy for something. Anything! I just need something to look forward to! 

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