Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Going Organic

In our efforts to be healthy Garth and I met up at Costco yesterday and stocked up on some organic food. Together in our little kitchen we made turkey burgers with tomatoes, onions, cheese and (my favorite) avadado! We had some heart healthy olive oil fries and our favorite snack - edamame. It was an amazing dinner and I am quite proud of how helpful I was in the kitchen.
Organic living is expensive! I think it will be worth it so I will hold us to this organic diet and see how it goes.
It is amazing to me how much of a difference eating healthier foods can make. After a holiday weekend of greasy (but delicious) food, and being lazy I was tired and too full. After eating organic food I have energy abounding and I feel great!

1 comment:

LG said...

I just started on blogspot as well. As I just said on someone else's page, this must be Xanga for grownups.