Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Life Lately: Week 23

This is what the past week looked like.

Foggy morning.

It's good to be Manny.

Only got one swim in this week.

Supported my beloved library by getting Culver's.

Dinner with a view.

My therapist recommended this book two years ago and I finally got around to reading it.

Very impactful!

Fave quote:

"...Ships are safe in a harbor, but they aren't meant to stay there. If you never have setbacks, you probably aren't setting your sights very high. In any case, it isn't necessary to dwell on setbacks. You can find beauty and pleasure in life if you look for them."

Deer spotting.

In my happy place.

Taco Bell and a lime High Noon go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Summer sunset.

Holy batman ears.

"I've seen sunny skies that I thought would never end."

Aldi cheese pizza is legit.

I took all the covers off the furniture to wash...

Manny lays on it like I just made him an outdoor bed.

It's your world, Manny.

We just live in it.

Find the beauty in the mundane.

Epic sandwich. 

The tail curled around the nose though.

Listening to one of my fave podcasts and they were raving about the new Taco Bell Cheez-it Tostado.

It makes me proud of where I work and I want to go back to TB now, lol.

New cutie Aldi find.

I spent my summer Friday deep cleaning the house to prep for hosting my swimming/walking buddies and their husbands.

It was a good night because this is the only picture I have.

I made Italian Chicken sandwiches and they were delightful.

Will make again.


It's not pretty, but this pesto pasta is a summer repeat recipe.

Sunset even in a rain storm.

Picture perfect.

The Aldi breakfast pizza is back and it's incredible. 


100 percent yes.

Love this.

Still thinking about this.

"Be happy on purpose."



It's funny because it's true.

That does look like a fun dog.

It's exhausting. 

The cutest grandma.

I can't wait to use this line!

For more life lately:

Week 23 of 2019

Week 23 of 2020

Week 23 of 2021

Week 23 of 2022

Week 23 of 2023

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