Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Life Lately: Week 27

 This is what the past week looked like.

Sunrise walks with M are a summer favorite. 

I marinated chicken in Aldi Greek dressing in the slow cooker for 9 hours and then served it over quinoa with Kalamata olives, pepperoncini, lettuce and feta cheese.

G and I both loved it and will make this again.

I'm swimming in the lake again!!

I went further than 21 yards, but my watch has trouble tracking in open water (or user error).

This book was about 100 pages too long, but it was cute.

3 out of 5 stars.

I tried Mom Water and I liked it more than White Claw or Truly because it wasn't as sweet.

Summer sunset.

G got the beach cleaned up and ready to use.

Deer spotting.

My parents came over on the fourth of July and we floated, grilled out, and watched the boat parade.

G made his epic burgers.

At dusk the fireworks started.

It was so nice to watch the show from the porch.

Manny is terrified of fireworks and hid in the bathroom.

Some of the fireworks were really close and we had front row seats.

Summer in Michigan is magic.

The ear though

I had a work retreat and they brought in sandwiches the size of footballs.

My team packed Rice Krispies at the South Michigan Food Bank after our morning meeting.

After volunteering we met for happy hour and it's become a joke that every time I go out with my team the restaurant never has sauvignon blanc.

This was the third time it happened so I ordered the pinot grigio. 

I got the Ray of Sunshine Award. :)

My manager gave us these amazing Tony the Tiger kicks.

Kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit.

Tea while I had my hair highlighted.

Window shopping downtown.

A belated birthday pup cup for Manny.

Happy pup.

I also grabbed takeout from our local brewery for dinner.

Selfie as we sat in traffic.

Clever license for an electric car.

Guess who had a DINO-mite 7th birthday?!

This guy!

My mom made the most incredible cake.

Benny and momasaurus. 

My loves.

We played pin the tail on the dinosaur and we were all pretty terrible, lol.

The prettiest. 

Our neighbors' son turned 30 so we walked over to celebrate.

Chose her over everything.


Manny totally rescued us.

"The best of life exists beyond everything we are meant to feel bad about lacking."

Energy is contagious.


This made me laugh because Manny just tricked G into feeding him again last week.

Mind blown. 

I'm the one who doesn't believe expiration dates are real.

The best.

The struggle is real.

I loved Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul.

Manny loves an ice cube.

For more life lately:

Week 27 of 2019

Week 27 of 2020

Week 27 of 2021

Week 27 of 2022

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