Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Life Lately: Week 17

 This is what the past week looked like.

My neighbor is back from Florida so it's nice to have my walking buddy back.

She brings treats so Manny is happy to have her back as well.

Swan spotting, but terrible photo.

It's more like where's Waldo?

A delicious TJ find.

This is why I don't buy Manny stuffed toys.

He loves them, but they only last about five minutes.

Takeout from Lou and Harry's is always a great idea.

Manny is over the cold weather too.

Hurry up, spring!

I baked tofu in the oven (using this recipe) and added it to cauliflower rice with TJ's curry sauce and it was a delicious lunch on a chilly day.

A photo I took is now the cover of my sub's FB page which I think is pretty cool.

Egg on high protein bread is a favorite breakfast.

Back in the office and it feels so good!

Lunch at Griffin Grill and Pub with a sweet coworker.

It was a great day in the office and I got home just in time for sunset.

Strawberry blue cheese salad is so good and I should recreate it soon.

My work serves Starbucks which is a nice perk.

Someone was happy to have me home again and shadowed me the rest of the week, ha!

This dip with cucumbers are delicious.

Aldi candles are legit.

This candle is small, but mighty.

I couldn't resist this basket for Manny's toys.

I love Aldi!

My dad posted this amazing picture and I commented that it was a framer and he thought I was calling him a farmer, haha!

Same, Manny, same.

This week was exhausting finalizing a presentation, presenting to leadership, supplier issues and going into the office.

Friday afternoon the weather felt like spring again.

It was 60 degrees so I moved my office to the porch to finish out the week.

G was doing his PT stretches while we prepped for premarital mentoring and Manny joined him.

Speaking of Manny, he loves our mentee couple so much.

All that attention was exhausting.

I made breakfast burritos (that look like quesadillas?) while G did yard work.

Sunday is for sushi.

Nicolina's version of She Used to be Mine is absolutely beautiful.

Growing older is a blessing.

Good reminder.

Love this.


Wise words.

This gave me goosebumps. 

I'm not crying, you're crying.

I'm still thinking about this verse from my devotional this week.

I feel seen.

How rude!


This made G laugh as he is going through PT right now for an injury.

I love a Saturday full of possibility.


My dad sent these great dad jokes.

The last one is my favorite.

It's funny because it's true.

I can't get this image out of my head now, ha!

For more life lately:

Week 17 of 2019

Week 17 of 2020

Week 17 of 2021

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