Thursday, July 8, 2021

Life Lately: Week 26

We are half way through the year!

This is what the past week looked like.

Back at the library because I'm a reading machine.

G picked up a huge grocery order and then went to Taco Bell lol.

Anyone else grab takeout after picking up groceries?

Another supplier visit.

Another rain storm.

My favorite part of these trips is seeing new cities.

And finding hole in the wall places to eat.

Some are great and some are not (this was the latter).

The clouds were so dark on our way back and the wind was crazy intense.

The saying about corn in the Midwest is "knee high by the fourth of July."

And I was joking that the corn in Indiana is knee high if you're a basketball player because it was really high.

Finding the beauty in a long travel day.

G brought home sushi since I didn't get home from the trip until late.

Dinner with a view!

A month back in the real world without a mask and I have a summer cold.

Of course I do.

It has rained so much, but the flowers are blooming and everything is so green.

Never lose hope.

A perfect afternoon snack.

"I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end." 

- James Taylor -

G's famous spaghetti over zucchini noodles.

Dog days of summer.


I went to bed before the sunset so G photographed it for me.

I've never seen these flowers before, but they are beautiful.

Delivery from Soup Spoon (crab cakes, empanadas and goat cheese bruschetta) was so good.

G set up a TV on the screened porch and now we really never will leave this room, ha!

While G watched soccer I finished Hilderbrand's newest book.

Vanilla skies.

That pink though!

Hi Zazu!

"Raise a glass to freedom,

Something they can never take away"


Boat parade!

My parents came out for the day and it was nice to hang out, float on the lake and eat good food.

Our fourth of July feast!

We had firework shows on the lake Saturday and Sunday night.

It was so fun to sit on the porch and enjoy the show.

I didn't get pics Sunday night, but we walked down to the water and it was a whole new world.

Fireworks everywhere you looked on the lake and tons of boats out on the lake.


It never gets old.

God bless the USA!

Grateful / Privileged / Blessed / Proud to be an American.



This is the best part of minimalism. 


So true.

You only have one life so live it!

I just had five whole days of this and it was perfection.

Seriously, where did June go?!


It's funny because it's true.

I feel seen.


What. Then.

For more life lately:

Week 26 of 2019

Week 26 of 2020

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