Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Life Lately: Week 9

This is what the past week looked like.

Winter sunsets make my heart swoon.

Manny got a walk everyday this past week.

I was watching an episode of Heather's Closet and loved the idea of flowers in the bathroom.

Supplier lunch perks.

I've been working out every morning for the last two months and it's amazing how confident and happy I feel the rest of the day. Lately my schedule has been as follows:

Monday - 30 Day Shred
Tuesday - 21 Day Fix Upper Fix
Wednesday - 21 Day Fix Lower Fix
Thursday - Kathy Smith Kickboxing
Friday - 30 Day Shred
Saturday - Walk Manny
Sunday - Walk Manny

He brings me flowers. Insert all the heart emojis. 

The new addition at work is really coming along.

We watched The Oscars and found them to be pretty boring. We did watch Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper's performance a few times though. So good!

I'm obsessed with Luna Peanut Butter protein bars right now.

I just finished The Perfect Couple by Elin Hilderbrand and loved it. It was different from her usual chick lit writing style, but I couldn't put it down.

Sunrise perfection.

Manny Moo!

G grilled steaks for us this weekend and they were delicious.

Saturday night church.

We went to a friend's benefit dinner and then out for a cocktail.

We enjoyed some live music.

I'm a country girl at heart.

Rosé and reality television. Yes, please!

A gorgeous sunset to close out a great weekend.

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