Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Life Lately: Week 10

Here is what the past week looked like.

Find the beauty in everyday. 

I could literally eat sushi every single day.

This guy is over winter. I think we all are. It started snowing while I was in a meeting and everyone started complaining, even the die hard snow lovers.

A sweet friend is going through the unimaginable and my go to is usually to bring a meal or two, but her family is supplying her tons of food so we weren't sure what to do to help. 

I wanted to share in case you are at a loss for what to do as well in this type of situation. I heard about this on the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast. The idea is you wrap up a bunch of little gifts and put them in a basket and when the receiver is having a tough day they open one of your gifts.

I love the idea and think I'll do this again, especially since cooking isn't necessarily my strength. 

Luckily cooking is G's strength and he made an oldie but goodie we haven't had in forever. It was perfect on a freezing cold night.

G is a die hard Tetley fan and I had to laugh because I have a British co-worker and it's the only tea he will drink too.

Chick-fil-a for the win.

G and I love American Idol and its back! YAY!

I finished In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. I couldn't put it down, but it was scary. I would have liked a bit more closure, but overall I liked it.

Aldi Hazelnut coffee is seriously the best. I think I like it even more than Starbuck's ground coffee.

My mom sent me this picture of my dad cooking. Isn't he so cute?! 

My dad wanted to learn how to cook in retirement and this was his first meal. Looks good to me!

These favors from my cousin's bridal shower were so cute.

My mom made the cake and it was so cute and delicious. I'm not really a cake person, but the cookie dough filling was amazing.

It was so good seeing family, catching up, and laughing a lot.

After the shower I went back to my parents' house for espresso and a chat.

G had a guys night so Manny and I caught up on reality television.

It may still be cold, but it's nice to see the sun.

1 comment:

  1. Always look forward to reading your blog! Love the pictures and great gift idea!
