Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Life Lately: Week 11

Here is what the past week looked like.

Good cloud day.

The snow is finally melting, hurray! 

Chick-fil-a obsessed.

The sky after a storm.

"What you're thinking is what you're becoming." Mohammad Ali

A special Starbucks breakfast treat.

The sun was shining bright and the birds were chirping. Spring is coming!

Where's Waldo...er… Manny?

Saturday selfie.

Look up.

Sweet Bennett boy.

My darling Ella.

Sleepy pup.

I read One Day in December by Josie Silver and loved it. I laughed. I cried. I could have used a little more closure at the end, but it was a good read.

The sky Sunday night was wild. 

The sun was blazing through the clouds while it snowed like crazy.

The calm after the storm.

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