Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Life Lately: Week 12

This is what the past week looked like.

The earth is filled with his glory.

Happy hour with the girls.

Give me all the sushi.

Seriously. I had sushi two days in a row. I big puffy heart sushi.

Please tell me you have made this Chicken Scampi. It's just so good!

Spring nails.

My love for burrito bowls runs deep.

Obsessed with this candle so much I don't even want to burn it.

Cranberry Vodka because weekend. It was a long week!

I found these on Amazon and I'm obsessed. Our hardwoods have been looking a little beat up lately so I used these and the floors look good as new.

A really good cloud day.

We tried a new restaurant after church and it was kind of a bust. The drinks were okay.

The food was meh. Oh well, you win some you lose some.

First walk of the year without jackets on, woohoo!

He is such a goof.

Seriously, such a weirdo.

Deck sitting season has begun!
Insert all the priase hands.

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