Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Life Lately: Week 13

This is what the past week looked like.

Sushi Monday!

The order was wrong, but I loved these little sushi lollipops. 

A happy little accident. 

Back on the green smoothie wagon (recipe coming Thursday!).

I have heard so many good reviews on Where the Crawdads Sing that I had to check it out. It's not a book I would typically read, but I'm into it.

The weather was so nice last week that I put out my spring wreath and candles.

It was so nice last week we even did some yard cleaning and rewarded ourselves with an Oberon (because it's back in stores, woohoo!). 

It wasn't sweater weather last week.

Dinner for breakfast.

Spring sky.

It was so nice to hang out on the deck again.

G bought new soccer shoes in preparation for his league.

Of course he chose Manchester United colors.

A sweet friend was having a rough day so we took her out for lunch.


I buy myself flowers.

The sky on my walk with Manny.

I went to TJ Maxx on a lunch break and forgot how much I love that place.

I'm obsessed with these face wipes. They are just so refreshing after a long day.

These oils are also a new obsession. I'm currently using the Lemongrass and my house smells like spring.

I love trying new SBs.

The weather got cold and rainy over the weekend (boo!) so it was a quiet one around here.

I binged Scandal. I started rewatching the whole season awhile ago and I'm finally in the last season. 

I don't think the writing is as great as the first six seasons, but I've come this far and need to know how it ends.

G and I are still on the hunt for a church.

We went to a really small church two miles from our house. We were going to dismiss it, but after reading the theology online I felt it was worth checking out at least. 

We were blown away. The music was so good and the message was one of the most powerful we have heard in a while.

It was a good lesson you can't judge a book by its cover.

The sky took my breath away.

We watched A Star is Born and it was stupid. 

I knew I shouldn't have watched it. I hate sad movies and had every intention not to watch this. But then it had so much hype around The Oscars and I decided I did want to see it. 

Gah! It was just too sad that it ruined it for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Always enjoy reading about your week and yay for smoothies! Just a word of caution, some essential oils are toxins to dogs so please be extra careful!
