Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Life Lately: Week 8

This is what the past week looked like.

Sushi Monday. It's a thing. We're making it a thing.

Taco Tuesday.

I meal planned this week and it felt good. I've missed it.

This sunrise was just breathtaking. I was walking by the window and had to do a double take. So pretty.

Manny took his toy's ear clean off. He also did this with another toy's arm. Sheesh!

Lunch with a sweet coworker was good for the soul.

It's girl scout cookie season. I'm a sucker for Tagalongs and sometimes I eat them for breakfast.

That ear though.

Cheers to an impromptu girls night and margaritas.

We ate Mexican food and then tried on (and purchased!) bridesmaid dresses.

Cheers to the freakin' weekend.

It was a good cloud day.

It felt so good to get a walk in with balmy 40 degree weather.

We tried a new recipe this weekend and it was a bust. It was a Greek chicken pasta and it lacked flavor. Bummer! 

Please share your favorite recipes in the comments, we have been striking out lately!

We had a crazy wind storm that blew snow around all day. It was eerie. Luckily we only lost power for a few minutes.

Manny and the stark winter backdrop. 

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