Thursday, September 27, 2018

Morning Routine

I just listened to a great podcast (The Better Life with Kelsey Van Kirk) on morning routines and it really resonated with me. I've been struggling with my morning routine now that it's too dark to walk Manny in the mornings.

One of the biggest takeaways was preparing the night before. I used to spend my morning getting my lunch together and now I do that the night before so I can be more intentional to set my day up for success.

I've adapted Kelsey's morning routine and kinda love it so I thought I'd share it here with you.

I wake up at 5:30 and drink a large glass of water and work out for 10 to 15 minutes. I've been loving Fitness Blender for a good work out. My schedule has been:

Monday - Core
Tuesday - Arms
Wednesday - Yoga/Pilates
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Arms

Afterwards, at about 5:50, I pour a cup of coffee and read my devotional and write in my prayer journal. I always start with all that I'm grateful for and it just sets my day up for success.

After about 20 minutes, about 6:10, I refresh my coffee and read a chapter of Girl, Wash your Face by Rachel Hollis.

At 6:25 I eat two hard boiled eggs with another glass of water. I usually rotate between hard boiled eggs and whole grain toast with peanut butter.

At 6:35 I take a shower and get ready for work. I grab the second part of my breakfast (mango!) to eat when I get to work and I'm out the door by 7:05.

Oh! Just in case you are wondering... Manny still gets his walk. I just take him after work now :)

Now I'm curious. Share your morning routine!

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