Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Life Lately

Back from vacay vibes.

Oh my heart! The sweetest.

I'm so blessed to be their aunt. We hosted the whole family a few weekends ago and it was such a sweet time. We chatted, played yard games, went to the park, and ate yummy food. Perfection!

I met a sweet girlfriend for dinner and it was so nice to sit on the patio on a lovely late summer evening and have authentic, great conversation and catch up with each other.

Monday Mules!

G and I went to a fun Michigan vs. The World Wine Tasting event last week and we had so much fun. We had six blind tastings and had to identify which wine was from Michigan. I identified 5/6 wines correctly and G was able to identify all six Michigan wines. We were pretty impressed with ourselves, ha!

The only negative about the event was there wasn't enough snacks for all the wine tasting. The friends we went with brought a cooler of more cheeses, ha!

I made Cilantro Lime Burrito Bowls last week and it wasn't great. I plan to make it one more time though with a few adjustments and hopefully it will be a winner.

Last week I went bridesmaid dress shopping with some of the maids and the bride.

We drank mimosas and tried on pretty dresses. Then we went to PF Chang's for dinner and had a really lovely evening.

Last Friday I had a supplier in from China. We had a great meeting and then went out for a yummy lunch of crab dip, tuna tar tar and lobster mac and cheese.

The sunset the other night was just so pretty!

Last Friday was Manny's Gotcha Day. Five years ago we rescued that sweet pupper and our lives were changed for the better.

I've been into lipstick lately.

I'm obsessed with this mural.

Saturday night we met friends for beers and dinner.

Then we headed to their house and played games and drank port from Portugal. Such a fun night!


Sunday G and I took Manny for a good hike.

Then we took Manny to the dog park and he had THE BEST time.

We picked up Mexican food and enjoyed dinner on the deck. The weather was pure perfection.

Manny is soaking up the last of deck sitting weather.

That's life lately.

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