Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Weekend Recap

This weekend was a good one. Saturday morning was the perfect, cool, crisp, sunny day. G and I took Manny on a long walk. We walked through the beautiful community gardens and admired all the pretty flowers.

Saturday evening I hosted a sleepover with my best friends. We had enough liquor, ha! Kate was leaving for Boston the next day so we had a going away party to celebrate her next chapter.

We laughed. We cried. We had a dance party. We talked until 2:30 in the morning and it was the most fun. I'm so thankful for these friends who are like sisters.

Sunday morning I made coffee and a spinach and cheddar cheese quiche. G made us bacon and we had quite the feast. It was such a sweet time together!

Sunday was rainy and chilly so I turned on the fireplace for the first time this season. Summer is my favorite season, but there is something about fall. Sweater weather. Putting the fireplace on. Pumpkin candles.

I binge watched Quantico all day and it was lovely on a rainy, cold day. I'm enjoying the season, but I can also see why the show was cancelled after this season.

How was your weekend?

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