Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Life Lately

Wednesday night I stayed at my parents' house because I had an early supplier visit the next morning close to them. It was nice to catch up and enjoy their new deck!

My mom made zucchini pie (my fave!) and then we headed to the pool for a nice evening swim. It was so nice to see them during the week!

Thursday night the bridesmaids and I went wedding dress shopping with Kate. It was so much fun! Spoiler alert: She looked fabulous in every dress she tried on!

Afterwards we went out for margaritas and dinner.

They broke ground at my work and are working on expanding. So exciting!

Friday night we had our company event with my work. 

We ate dinner and watched a baseball game.

It was such a nice night to walk around and explore.

After the game we enjoyed a cocktail downtown.

What a beautiful night!!

Saturday we spent the day at my SIL's family lake house. It was another beautiful day.

I paddle boated the entire lake with my mom. Introduced Ella to The Greatest Showman music. Snuggled with Bennett. Floated in the lake. Ate amazing food. Visited with Jess' amazing family.

Aren't these two just the cutest?! It was so fun hanging out with them and all of Jess' family.

Life is good!

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