Thursday, August 9, 2018

Life Lately: Birthday Edition

I turned 35 last week. Getting older is a privilege and a gift so cheers to life!

The girls at work spoiled me with gifts and movie theater popcorn (my fave!).

The girls from work took me out for sushi too which was so much fun.

They gave me wine and candles. They know me so well!

G took me to my favorite restaurant and we sat outside on the patio on the river and enjoyed good food, good cocktails and good company.

We went wine tasting afterwards.


We hiked with Manny when we got home and he spoiled me with some Lululemon workout clothes. It was a perfect day filled with all my favorite things!

Manny was tired out from all the birthday activities, ha!

That's life lately!


  1. Sounds like it was a great day :) seems like you have great work friends wherever you go. It’s been hard to make friends at work just working part-time and not seeing the same people very often :/ I’m glad you have it!

  2. I try to invite someone new to lunch once a month to build relationships at work and that has been helpful for me! I would challenge you to put yourself out there and invite someone you want to get to know better out for coffee or lunch :)
