Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Fifth Annual Girls Weekend Getaway

I can't believe it's our fifth girls weekend getaway. Time sure does fly. To read about the first four years you can check them out below. I just reread them and it was fun looking back, especially at the renovations of Deb's cottage (with much more reno to come!).

Year One
Year Two
Year Three
Year Four

I'll share a little back story since this is the fifth year and all. I used to work with all these lovely ladies. Brittany and Deb were really good friends. Kate, Brittany and I were really close. Deb decided to invite Kate and I to her lake house for girls weekend five years ago  even though she didn't know us well because we were close with Brittany. 

That, my friends, is how it all began. I can't image what life would be like if she didn't. We are all best friends and have been ever since that girls weekend five years ago. We text everyday and try to do one girls night a month. I thank God everyday for our significant others who support our friendship so well.

We left Thursday after work, unpacked and poured cocktails. Cheers to girls weekend! (Shout out to Nudge Printing for these awesome decals!).Deb made steak and shrimp on the grill and we talked the night away.

This was a very special girls weekend because Kate is engaged (YAY!!!) so we spent a lot of time wedding planning. We were all so honored and excited because she asked us to be in her wedding!!! P.S. She is so crafty! These boxes were so incredibly thoughtful and beautiful.

Friday morning we slept in, drank lots of coffee and Brit made us eggs and bacon. 

We spent the whole day on the lake laughing, solving the world's problems, and wedding planning. We just had the most perfect weather too! It was sunny and high 80s all weekend long. We came back to the cottage and Brit made tacos for dinner and we continued to chat and laugh the night away.

I just did not take many pictures at all this weekend and truthfully most of these are Brit's (thanks Brit!!) so here is a cute picture of Deb's pups. Ha! Saturday was another fun day on the lake laughing, crying, and having deep conversations. We ended the full day on the water jumping off the dock as a baptism of sorts to shed our insecurities. It was a magical day and one that was so good for the soul. We ended the night with appetizers and more girl talk.

Sunday started with a birthday bagel, birthday sash and hat to celebrate my birthday. These girls are so stinking sweet! We spent a few good hours floating on the lake and wedding planning before we ate leftovers for lunch and packed up. 

These weekends always go way too fast, but they are so refreshing and rejuvenating. These girls are my soul sisters. They get me. They build me up. They give great advice. They make me better. I'm so thankful for them and just could not imagine my life without them! I'm so thankful for another amazing girls weekend in the books and excited for all that is to come starting this week when we dress shop with Kate, eee!!!!!

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